Wine Tasting

We will have two exciting wine tasting evening.

– Monday, December 5, 7:30 pm: USA Wine tasting

– Tuesday, December 6, 7:30 pm: International and Vermont Wine tasting

For both of these event, we ask attendees to bring bottles they want to share. Success of these event rely on your participation!

Please fill the form if you are bringing wine.
VitiNord Wine Tastings Form

If you are bringing wine into the U.S. , there is really no limit on quantity, as long as you can claim it is for personal use or educational use, NOT RESALE. Just say that “this wine is for a winemaker training session that I am going to do at VitiNord.”  

We have written an official letter signed by the VitiNord conference chairperson, Terry Bradshaw, that explains how your wine will be used for educational purposes at VitiNord.  The letter includes the conference website link if the Customs officer wants to check it out. 

Please download and print out a copy of this letter and put it in your box of wine so the Customs inspector sees it when he or she opens the box.

Thanks to the generosity of our attendees, 70 wineries from 23 countries/states were represented this year!

The two wine tasting evening were a succes with incredible quality of wines!

VitiNord is one of the greatest event where cold climate grape varieties wines can be tasted!

Wine Tasting Sponsor